We provide support for
men, women, and families experiencing homelessness.

Combating Homelessness

At Northlands Rescue Mission, we work to help clients secure housing and create a stable future.
Basic Services - Many men and women experiencing homelessness do not know where they will sleep or where their next meal will come from. We provide the necessities so clients can focus on their future.
  • Three meals per day
  • Bed with locker to store personal belongings
  • Shower & laundry services
  • Clothing
  • Hygiene & personal care items
  • Bus passes to assist travel around town
  • Access to a computer lab
Client-Led Engagement - We are part of a continuum of care with a designed approach to help individuals and families get housed, find employment, and meet self-defined goals.
When clients arrive at the Mission, they meet with a social worker who helps guide a housing first model of care for that individual. We work with landlords and other providers to give each client a choice in housing, employment and other goals they want to accomplish. We are focused on giving each client the opportunity to take control of their future by helping them escape homelessness permanently and as fast as possible.

We work with a continuum of care that includes shelters and other service providers across the state to get clients the help and resources they need. Our community has a coordinated assessment system for matching people experiencing homelessness to the most appropriate housing and services. This approach helps hundreds of men and women secure stable housing through Northlands Rescue Mission each year.
A Stable Start - Clients often need extra help to ensure their start in housing is stable.
Social workers continue to work with clients as they transition from living at Northlands Rescue Mission to more stable housing. As clients move out of the Mission, we provide essential household items when possible. This includes furniture, cookware, hygiene products, air mattresses, and food boxes.

Clients who are close to moving out (or who have recently moved out) also have the opportunity to attend regular peer-led meetings. Here they can share concerns about independent living, ask questions, and further develop important life skills such as cooking and budgeting.
Addiction Support - S.A.T.C.H. Program
In-house clients have access to free, on-site support meetings with a licensed addiction counselor.
Family Assistance
We help families who are at risk of becoming homeless. Our advocacy team works to connect local families with essential resources, including food, clothing, transportation, employment, and more.
Limited shelter space is available for families with children.
We Help With:
- Housing Assistance
- Rent/Deposits/Utility Bills
- Case Management
- Reconnection with Family
- Food & Basic Resources
- Household Items/Furniture
- Diapers/Baby Formula
If your family needs help, please contact our family case manager at (701) 772-6600 ext. 208.
Additional Resources
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